The Suppression of Knowledge
The basis for how we live our lives and understand the things around us, society, personal relationships, family values and the like, is rooted in what we are told by “the authorities”. Unfortunately, much of what you have been told is just not true. You have been lied to about science, astronomy, the environment, global warming, government, taxation, war, energy, inventions, education, terrorism, health, finance and the media, to name a few that spring to mind.
Science Astronomy The Environment Global Warming Government and Taxation War Energy
Home Inventions Education Terrorism Health Finance The Media Joseph H. Cater
There is a massive program of
“dumbing-down” education combined with the deliberate teaching of things
which are known to be completely wrong. After only a few decades of
this, many adults can’t perform basic arithmetic or construct simple
sentences in their native tongue. Science and Engineering are neglected
and most people don’t understand how things work. Most schools no
longer allow schoolchildren to perform experiments in chemistry or
physics, usually with the excuse that it is ‘too dangerous’. University
students are told that there is no such thing as perpetual motion,
which is as laughable as saying that water isn’t wet. Newton actually
said that gravity is a push and not a pulling force as indicated by the
mis-translation of his Latin original text. This incorrect notion of
gravity is still taught in spite of the fact that many governments have
had electrogravitic drive vehicles since the early 1960s, driven by
electromagnetic waves just below the frequency of infrared, disproving
what is supposed to be Newton’s theory, in a most resounding fashion.
Any academic who steps out of line and admits that students are being
taught rubbish, is immediately attacked with every possible means to
discredit, ridicule and isolate him. The objective in all of this is to
manoeuvre the general public into a weak position where they are
ignorant, uneducated, fed false information and distracted with things
of no importance. The ultimate aim is the slavery of the masses without
them even realising that they are being enslaved.
Patrick Kelly.-