The Suppression of Knowledge
The basis for how we live our lives and understand the things around us, society, personal relationships, family values and the like, is rooted in what we are told by “the authorities”. Unfortunately, much of what you have been told is just not true. You have been lied to about science, astronomy, the environment, global warming, government, taxation, war, energy, inventions, education, terrorism, health, finance and the media, to name a few that spring to mind.
Science Astronomy The Environment Global Warming Government and Taxation War Energy
Home Inventions Education Terrorism Health Finance The Media Joseph H. Cater
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Cancer can only come alive and grow in a body that is lacking oxygen. The average person today, especially someone with cancer, is walking around with a serious case of insufficient oxygen. |
The pharmaceuticals industry is one of the
biggest money-making operations on the planet. It may come as a shock
to you, but they don’t want to cure people. Instead, they want people
to go on buying expensive medication at heavily inflated prices. Long
term health treatments are their ideal situation as that provides them
with a continuous revenue stream. Several people have come up with very
effective cures for cancer and other serious illnesses, and those
people have received the same unjustifiable, outrageous treatment as do
the inventors of free-energy devices. The pharmaceuticals industry is
well aware of the highly beneficial effects of colloidal silver, but
they will never produce any as they can’t patent it and charge highly
inflated prices for it. Consequently, they are not interested as their
only objective is to make money, and it is definitely not to cure
The late Bob Beck emphasised this in his video lecture which may still be available here
Here is an excerpt from that lecture:
For the last five years I have spent my own money (no government or
university funding) in investigating a thing which has proven to be the
most remarkable thing for all diseases that I have ever heard of
personally, and I have been in this field for about forty years.
I have a stack of IRB Studies – PCR laboratory reports from major
hospitals around the United States, and until these are peer-reviewed
published, I am not supposed to show them to anyone who is not a medical
doctor because of patient confidentiality.
Now, how many of you have read that there is no cure for AIDS? That is
an absolute lie. There has been a perfectly workable, 95% accurate cure
for HIV and cancer and herpes and hepatitis and Epstein-Barr and about a
dozen other incurable diseases, which was invented on March 11th 1990
at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City by Drs Kelly
and Wymans.
An what happened to this breakthrough which is far more important than
penicillin, antibiotics, anything you can name - it has been suppressed.
And why has this information been withheld from you – information
which you can easily prove for yourself (don’t take my word here for
anything: check it out)? I found recently that the Mafia owns about 51%
of major pharmaceutical houses as well as working the other side of the
track with the illegal drugs from South and Central America and China.
The medical cartels in this country (USA) will charge you from $50,000
to $200,000 if you have terminal cancer and this is for surgery and
chemotherapy and radiation and hospital care.
Consider a packet of Wrigley’s Spearmint chewing gum. That packet of
chewing gum cost me a nickel (5 cents or $0.05) when I was a young man
and I paid $1.32 for that packet at the Chicago Airport recently - $1.00
for the gum plus $0.32 for taxes and handling. The price of that
package of chewing gum is every penny (cent) that it takes to cure [and
I’m not supposed to use this word as only a doctor may use the word
‘cure’] most of the known diseases in America today. And why haven’t
you heard about this? – because General Electric, Westinghouse, and the
other companies have billions of dollars tied up in X-rays, CAT scanners
and MRIs which are leased to health organisations, and for $1.32 you
can cure yourself without doctors, without pharmaceuticals, without
medicines, certainly without surgery, certainly without chemotherapy,
without any drugs, without any herbs, any homeopathy remedies – you can
do it for yourself and it has been done.
People keep asking “why haven’t I heard about this, why are there no
hospital studies?”. There are hundreds of them. Here is one test
result: At this date, the eleventh of August 1998 this patient had only
about 3,063 particles of HIV in his blood. But now, as this test
develops, the PCR on the third of November 1998, (several months later),
the count was less than 1 in a hundred, which means that the test
result was zero as far as this test was concerned. We have a stack of
these reports a foot and a half (45 cm) deep, where every one of these
full-blown AIDS patients, every one even though some of them were on
life-support systems or needed attendants to lift them from the bed,
these people are symptom-free now. Every single one of them is back at
work. Not one of them has the symptoms of AIDS. So, if you read in
your newspaper ‘the proceeds of the baseball game this Saturday will be
donated to a search for a cure for AIDS’ that is an absolute lie.
There is, and has been, a cure for AIDS – all AIDS – a cure for about
95% of cancer, a 100% cure for Epstein-Barr, hepatitis, lupus, about a
50% cure for herpes, and I’ve been funding these out of my own pocket. I
have absolutely nothing whatsoever for sale. God has been exceedingly
good to me – I think that I am going about my Father’s business here,
and I am paying for it myself and I am giving to the world.
There is a free paper available entitled “Take Back Your Power” (a web download link for this is here)
you do not need doctors, nurses, chiropractors, herbs, pharmaceuticals,
surgery. Only if you are going along with the politically-correct
solutions do you need these things that your neighbours have been
depending on for all these many generations. There was paper entitled “Blood
Electrification and Immune System Restoration with Microcurrents – A
Proven, Startling, Rapid, Inexpensive and Safe Discovery for Positive,
Controllable Remissions”. Now we found that this information has
been suppressed. The doctors who discovered this, and let me tell you
about the discovery: In 1990, they put a couple of small platinum wires
into a Petrie dish that contained highly infected human blood, and the
infection there was a very, very strong dose of HIV which was supposedly
the cause of AIDS. They found that when they had electrified this
blood, the HIV could no longer attach to any receptor sites in the
blood. That means that the healthy cells could not be infected by the
HIV. The only mention of this incredible discovery was in Science News
March 30th 1991, page 207, ‘Shocking Treatment Proposed for AIDS’
and it tells about how these two doctors had given a paper on this
process saying, ‘the experiments described on March 14th at Washington
DC at the first International Symposium on Combination Therapies, showed
that the shocked viruses lost the ability to make an enzyme crucial for
their reproduction and could no longer cause the white cells to clump
together – the true key signs of viral infection.
The only papers which I was able to find that got into the American press were Science News and an article in Longevity News ‘Electrocuting the AIDS Virus’.
But what happened in the Longevity article (which was December 1992,
page 14), was that Dr Colley said ‘it will be 15 years before this
process is ready for human experimentation’.
We have been doing it, sub-rosa, with patient consent, for over five
years here, and we have the test results to prove it. When I was
lecturing to a room of about 800 people, an 80-year old man came up and
said ‘Bob, I was sent home today, my cancer had metastasised all through
my system. I was told to go home and make my will, as I had at the
most, about two or three weeks to live. I went home and I made my will
and I saw your article in some magazine and I did it. I am now free of
all cancer. My biopsies are clean, my CAT scans are clean. I went back
to work, and being an attorney, I had to work sixteen hours per day to
catch up on all the work I had missed while I was in intensive care.
Now I’m jogging three miles per day’ (and there were tears running down
his face).
We have had women who have had lupus for about ten years, barely able to
make it from the couch in front of the television to the bedroom. They
are back at the malls now, spending their money, walking around and
able to hold jobs full-time. Do any of you know Linda Wright ? She
brought in a clean blood test one day and said ‘my doctor had to send
this to two different labs – he’s never seen a person with clean blood
after that person has had lupus’.
We have dozens of these people, and not one of these people went to the
doctor for the cure, except for the people who are on this Institutional
Review Board study at a hospital in Huntington Beach and Newport Beach,
California. Now, the point is, in my humble opinion, and we can put
anything against this because we know that it is true at this time, when
I first started this I thought ‘this is kind of interesting’. I have
looked into five hundred things that never worked, the Rife Machine
never worked, Holderclarke’s Machine does not work, many, many, many of
these devices work only marginally, and I felt ‘I’m about to be taken
in again’, I have built Mucalsky multiple-wave oscillators as you know.
I have built almost every electro-medical device since I’ve been in
California (since World War Two began), and these things worked at best,
marginally. But the thing which you can build for yourself, there is
nothing that you have to buy. The circuit diagram and all of the
instructions for building this, are in the paper. This is the one which
I designed in 1991 to make an experimental study with, and you can get a
kit from an electronics store. I get not one nickel from the tens of
thousands of dollars worth of these kits which they have sold.
There is a parts list on page 4 that tells you what is needed. Even if
you don’t know what a resistor is, or a capacitor is, take it in and set
it on the counter at Radio Shack and tell them to give you what is on
the list. The retail price ready-made is around $50. If you build it
yourself it will cost $15 to $20 and this machine will not only make
colloids, which is the most powerful medicine known to man, (which is
why the FDA has stamped it out recently).
SOTA Instruments Inc. Canada (1-800-224-0242) builds these devices
because the owner read the article in PACE magazine and his wife had
chronic fatigue syndrome and Epstein-Barr so badly that she was
non-functional. She is now up and around and is totally well today
because my husband built this little box for about $15. The box straps
on the arm with the electrodes positioned on the radial and ulna
arteries and puts a very small electrification into the body which
removes all parasites, viruses, fungus, microbes, pathogens – everything
in the blood which does not belong there and was not there the day that
you were born, eventually (after two or three weeks) being neutralised
and discarded by your body, dead or alive by the spleen, the kidneys and
the liver. This is darned exciting but when the hospitals tried to
patent this, US Patent 5,188,738 presented to Dr Colley on February 23rd
1993, describes the process, as do fourteen other patents from Harvard
MIT, page 1 column 1 says ‘because of this problem (the fact that there
is no known antibiotic or vaccine for any of these incurable diseases)
the present invention has been devised to attenuate any bacteria, virus
(including the AIDS HIV virus), parasites and fungus contained in blood
contributed by a donor, these being rendered ineffective for infecting a
normally healthy human cell’. Before these claims were accepted by the
patent examiners, they had to provide the examiners with massive proof.
Now there has been a cure, a known cure and it costs $1.32 per patient
so there is no money in this if they are trying to sell you combination
therapies for $20,000 to $60,000 per year.
I strongly recommend that you get the paper as it contains the exact
electrode locations which have been found to work the best and get the
maximum current into the blood. It is almost as if God the Creator had
locked the back door approach to the problems and with an adversary like
the Holy Spirit which is within – the Bible says ‘look within, not
without’. And this time, the adversary is within. The ‘aliens’ in your
blood are the things which are holding down your lifespan to seventy or
eighty years. Many, many generations ago, according to the sacred
texts, they lived to be several hundred years old, Solomon, David,
Methuselah, etc.
So, we have raided about a dozen different medical textbooks including
Grey’s Anatomy, and we’ve published the exact spots where you can access
the lymph tissue where these germs are going to be hibernating. After
you clear yourself and get a clean bill of health, after three to five
years you will re-infect yourself when many of these viruses which are
latent, start germinating. And with this information, and these circuit
diagrams and these instructions, we have literally given you back to
We are going to show you all of this before I leave here. This is not
my opinion any more, we have enough proof that it is a statement of fact
and we can bank on it. If you are too lazy, too stupid, too
electronically impaired or too frightened to build your own, there are
forty known companies (and probably a hundred that I know nothing about)
that are building these things full-time and they are getting the most
remarkable reports back. I do meet these people, and NO, I do not get a
nickel from any single one of these companies, and all of this
information is in your paper.
Now what else do we have to watch for here. Nobody has ever to this day
died of AIDS. Did you know that? They have died of the opportunistic
infections, pneumonia, Carkinson’s sarcoma, etc. etc. that can attack
and ruin your body when your immune system cannot handle the load, in
fact it is called ‘HIV’ (Human Immune-deficiency Virus) ‘AIDS’ is
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Now this is the only way that I
know of, I know the people who have written the books on ozone therapy, I
won’t mention their names, I know the doctors who are using all of the
herbs and drugs. I have talked to the people who worked with Dr David
Ho who was on last week’s Time magazine cover as the Scientist of the Year,
who has discovered that if you use two or three chemotherapy agents at
the same time, you have a cocktail effect and it reduces the HIV count,
the PCR count in the blood tediously. But what he didn’t tell you, and I
think I’ll read this which was in The Los Angeles Times December
10th 1996: “Drug combo knocks HIV down, not out”. And a basic thing
happened, they took some of these patients who were on combination
therapy, which incidentally cost $20,000 to $60,000 per year, as soon as
they stopped taking these cocktails, they got immensely elevated counts
up in the millions or billions of AIDS counts, as though these
chemotherapy agents, (AZT, DDI, DD5, etc.) had held this viral load
down in the blood as long as they were taking it. The minute they
stopped, it rebounded and many of the people were critically ill and
they had to put them back on it immediately.
So, once you start on this cocktail therapy, you are stuck with it for
life, as long as you live, and as you know from the International AIDS
Conference in Japan last year, they found that none of these AZTs etc.
prolonged the life of one single AIDS patient by even one day. Their’s
is simply a promise, they are engineered to get your money while they
give you hope. I was beaten up and bloodied; I was hit over the head
and had blood running down my face, by ‘AIDS Act Up’ David Buller it was
that was running this crusade in New York city in February. He called
the New Yorker Hotel and said that they would burn down the hotel, so
they gave me a bodyguard (who wasn’t around there all the time) and said
‘Bob, do not use the front door but go around the back and use the
service entrance – never go out the front door of this hotel. The last
day when I was there and I had to run out to get a shuttle to take me to
the New Jersey airport to bring me home, there was a guy standing
across the street with a video camera and a guy who hit me over the head
and bloodied me, and I didn’t chase him down the street because my
knees aren’t very good as I don’t have any cartilage in them.
But when’s the last time that you saw me Ivan – about three years, four
years ago? Do you notice anything that’s different? I lost 130 pounds –
I weighed 290 and I have pictures of me to prove it. My hair on top
was thinner than some of my old good buddies here. As soon as I got rid
of the adversaries – the aliens in my blood, my immune system took over
and I got rid of the half a pound or so of parasites which every man,
women and child in America (if he’s more than four days old) is
carrying. A new-born baby, after four hours has breathed enough air to
become infected. If you live in America, there are 140 known indigenous
parasites. If you live in Africa or the tropics, there are 500
identified and known parasites and probably half as many again that are
unknown. When we got these parasites out of my body by wearing this
device on my wrist, an amazing thing happened. I began losing weight
like crazy. I thought ‘my God, have I got stomach cancer or am I
wasting away with something?’. No, I was in better shape than I was
before I started.
This is a theory: about 30% of the parasites which live in human beings,
and these can range from fourteen feet (4.27 m) long if they are a
tape-worm down to microscopic size (which is why they have to use
microscopes to do the stool analysis if you go in for a check), these
parasites were setting my appetite. If you will think about this for a
minute, it is not what you eat or how much you eat that has anything
whatsoever to do with your weight. It is how much of what you eat you
store as fat because the parasites have changed the P51, the leptin and
about five or six known neuro-transmitters in the hypothalamus to feed
them tomorrow. Many of these parasites have co-existed with mammals –
apes, elephants …. for twenty million years and the anthropologists will
tell you that they find them whenever they find a carcass frozen in the
ice floes, these things have had parasites for as long as ever man has
been on the planet. These parasites have learned to use you as a meal
and not kill you because then they are going to die themselves, like
ebola which runs it’s course in a couple of weeks. Many of these
viruses do that, but these parasites almost kill you and use you for a
meal in the same way that we send cattle to a feed loft before we take
them to market. And when these parasites vanished from my body, and
this is provable by dark-field microscopy, phase-contrast microscopy,
any doctor who does this analysis can prove it, you don’t have to take
my word for it, I lost all of that weight and before this time I had
offered $10,000 cash currency ‘under the table’ to anyone who could get
this weight off of me.
I had tried dozens of diet plans. I had tried these canned-meal Jenny
Craig type adventures. I had been injected with pregnant mare’s urine.
I know that some of you have been through the same things. I had taken
legal amphetamines to control my appetite … I had tried everything
until I had nearly killed myself. And until I found the true cause of
what I believe is about 30% of the people who are overweight, and this
was certainly me, I was terribly embarrassed to find the airline
stewardess running down the aisle with a seat-belt extender because the
seat-belt wouldn’t fit around me. I couldn’t sit in the booth in a
restaurant because I’d have to sit on a chair, etc. etc.
The lady at the back of the room, Jane had inoperable cancer when I met
her. She said “I’m going along with blood-cleansing here, and not the
chemotherapy and radiation which the doctor had said that if I do not
have I will surely die”. And her daughter Cathy was outraged because
her mother didn’t do all of this chemotherapy and have her hair drop out
… Now she is totally well. Her last several physicals – biopsies and
CAT scans – have shown not one speck of cancer anywhere in her body.
Neither have dozens and dozens of ‘terminal’ cancer patients.
Now, why does this work for cancer? We started out working with viral
and microbe and parasitic diseases. When oncologists in the East began
reporting many, many, many cancer cures, we had to have a telephone
conference between about for or five of us. Now what’s really happening
here? I don’t believe it until I see the medical proof. So I guess
you know that about three months ago Explorer magazine published an
article entitled ‘Total Cancer Remissions through Blood Electrification
combined with Silver Colloid’. And this article of two pages is
reprinted in it’s entirety in the paper which you should be taking home
with you.
Social Security does not want you to live if you get to be 65. I’m now
way past that. I don’t act like it, but I am way past that, I’m in my
seventies. The Director of Social Security – I will not mention his
name because he picks me up at the airport when I’m in Washington and
drives me where I’m going – I’ve stayed in his house – says ‘Bob, we
want anyone who reaches 65 to be stored like cord-wood in an old-age
home and given mind-control drugs like valium and let him die because
Social Security is bankrupt now, it won’t be bankrupt in five years time
as it is bankrupt now. And if you restore perfect health to these
people with a device that will fit in your shirt pocket, the job market
will not absorb the people getting out of college today. Even if
McDonalds has a smart cash register, they can’t add or subtract, they
can hardly write a paragraph and you want to get these experienced
people back in the jobs market?’. I said ‘hell yes!’ I was 65 nearly
ten years ago.
Another problem: this steps on the toes of all the vested interests.
They are expecting to make hundreds of thousands of dollars off of you:
Health Management organisations, insurance companies, hospitals, … If
you own a boat that thing is written into the budget of the boat builder
down there in San Pedro. These medical people expect to see you come
in there some day and spend a lot of money, but if you do this for
yourself, you will get well. There are seventeen of us who I know of,
and I know sixteen of them personally, who this day have immortal blood.
Now this is a rather dramatic claim, so let me tell you what it means.
Toward the end of last year, there was a dark-field microscopist
‘Mike’, you know his name, he is world famous, he’s the fellow who
trains doctors all over the world how to use this type of technology for
diagnostic work. He invited a chap in who had been on one of these
devices for about six months, and he said ‘Let’s look at your blood’, so
he pricked his finger, put that drop of blood in a microscope slide and
looked at it. And he said ‘you don’t have any background clutter in
your blood’. Of course, they couldn’t see viruses as this was a light
microscope with a magnification of about three thousand times,
back-illuminated. He said ‘just a minute – I must have done something
wrong’, so he stuck another finger, then he went to the earlobe and made
a slide and said ‘what have you been doing? anyone who has ever come to
me, man, woman or child, in the last thirteen years, you can see the
parasites, many of the germs, microbes and bacteria swimming around in
the blood but you don’t have any at all. The patient said that he had
been on the blood cleaner so Dr Mike said ‘give me some of those, I’ve
got to test them on some of my patients – I don’t believe you’. He did,
and they worked.
Now, in Colorado, blood is considered ‘toxic waste’ or hazardous waste.
It must be picked up and disposed of by incineration by registered
toxic waste disposal people. Dr Mike had thrown these three or four
slides in a box underneath his laboratory table. He looked down at this
box about twenty-seven days afterwards and checked the slides again
under the microscope. That blood was still alive. The half-life of
human blood on an unsealed microscope slide is between two and a half to
four days maximum. Twenty-seven days had gone by and the red cells
were swimming in the plasma exactly the same as the minute he had drawn
that blood. It had not crenated (serrated around the edge) – a fibrin
reaction had not set in although it had evaporated around the edges.
Now let’s get to the point. One month after that, that is some
fifty-one days later, those slides had not yet been picked up for
disposal, so Mike checked them again. The blood had ‘circled the
wagons’: there was about a half a millimetre spot in the middle where
the cells had not evaporated and were still alive.
The people in his practice who had been tested upon with the blood
cleansers have now got immortal blood. Now, what does this mean? If
‘the adversary is within’ he might not be a man with a red tail and
horns out there somewhere with the number 666. Just as the Holy Spirit
dwells within this temple, so might the adversary, at least the aliens
which have been involved with us over many, many moons are in there and
you can see them if you go to a dark-field microscopist, if you get rid
of those, who knows what is going to happen? What happened to me. I
was so fat that I was in a wheelchair and I had been given up for dead.
The doctors who came to see me, friends of mine who were Medical
Doctors who hadn’t made a house call in Beverley Hills in thirty years,
were coming down to my apartment saying ‘Bob, you’d better dispose of
whatever you’ve got – you’ll never walk again. I was given so many
tests. I brought Dr. Alexander Everett from Washington, paid his way,
put him up in the Red Lion hotel. He worked on me until he said ‘Bob,
I’ll have to go back now, there is nothing that anyone can do for you’.
And I was in a wheelchair, but I’m sure as hell not dead! Everything
is working well again.
My blood pressure when I started this averaged 219 over 190 and was
borderline diabetic with blood sugar 425 to 475. Today my blood
pressure is 130 to 140 over 70 to 75 and after just three weeks my blood
sugar had dropped to 150, which at that time was considered normal.
So I’m here to share this information with you. I have nothing for
sale. There are people who are selling things, I’m not one of them.
Part of that is because I believe that God’s work should be given
freely. I expect to get my reward somewhere else if I don’t come back
to this planet of painful endeavour. I have a lot of theories about
this and also the Food and Drugs Administration has come to my door with
drawn guns at three o’clock in the morning. I have been beaten up by
the people supporting the pharmaceutical houses who don’t want a $1.32
cure for AIDS.
Bob also speaks of his use of colloidal silver, (a document on which can be downloaded using the download link here) although Bob’s method of production looks more simple. He says:
This is a glass of water which I got out of the kitchen. I’ve taken a
single 9-volt battery and put a little “grain of wheat” bulb (6 to 12
volt 55 milliamp) in series with the battery and these two silver wires.
There is no known germ, bacteria or microbe which can survive what I
am about to do right now. I’m going to put these two silver wires into
this glass of water, about half an inch (12 mm) apart, and leave them
there for about three minutes. That is all it takes. This is tap water
and you can make this silver colloid for about one tenth of a cent per
gallon and that is the most powerful medicine known to man. After three
minutes Bob stirs the colloid with a plastic knife and demonstrates how
a laser beam reflects off the microscopic particles of silver suspended
in the water and then drinks the water. Bob drinks two or three
glasses of colloid each day. The colloid prevents you from contract
secondary infections during the first three weeks while you are getting
well with the blood electrification process.
Patrick Kelly.-