The Suppression of Knowledge
The basis for how we live our lives and understand the things around us, society, personal relationships, family values and the like, is rooted in what we are told by “the authorities”. Unfortunately, much of what you have been told is just not true. You have been lied to about science, astronomy, the environment, global warming, government, taxation, war, energy, inventions, education, terrorism, health, finance and the media, to name a few that spring to mind.
Science Astronomy The Environment Global Warming Government and Taxation War Energy
Home Inventions Education Terrorism Health Finance The Media Joseph H. Cater
We are told that we need to run
our lives by burning “fossil fuels” which are limited in quantity and so
there is “an energy crisis”. While some oil is produced by the decay
of organisms and vegetation laid down in earlier eras, oil wells which
were pumped supposedly dry are actually filling up again with oil
created in the crust of the Earth and which does not come from decaying
vegetation and organisms. Nor is there the slightest need to burn oil
for power, or have central power stations and fragile wires running all
over the countryside. Those things are wanted by the powerful elite in
order to control ordinary people and to part them from their money.
Patrick Kelly.-