The Suppression of Knowledge
The basis for how we live our lives and understand the things around us, society, personal relationships, family values and the like, is rooted in what we are told by “the authorities”. Unfortunately, much of what you have been told is just not true. You have been lied to about science, astronomy, the environment, global warming, government, taxation, war, energy, inventions, education, terrorism, health, finance and the media, to name a few that spring to mind.
Science Astronomy The Environment Global Warming Government and Taxation War Energy
Home Inventions Education Terrorism Health Finance The Media Joseph H. Cater
The general public is held subject to what
passes for ‘government’ through fear and ignorance. The government
announces that some country needs to be attacked and invaded in order to
“free” the people and establish democracy. So, generally without any
realistic reason, that country is attacked and invaded, much of the
civilian population killed, massive property damage inflicted, and great
distress and hardship caused for many people. This is organised by the
politicians. Do they themselves take part in the fighting? No. Who
benefits from the war? Answer: the arms manufacturers, and companies
such as Halliburton which are paid taxation money to rebuild what the
local army has just spent time destroying. The country attacked is
likely to have it’s assets stolen and then be saddled with a massive
fake debt so that it can be forced to pay incredible amounts of
“interest” for decades afterwards. The lucky country has been attacked,
damaged, citizens killed, infrastructure destroyed, assets stolen and
then robbed for years afterwards by the people who caused that
devastation. You did say that you live in “a free democracy”, didn’t
Patrick Kelly.-